Well, he submitted his typo by Twitter rather than e-mail but we’ll overlook the procedural sin. Because Chad Novak was the first of several readers to alert us to an epic typo in Paul Dechene’s story on union credibility and the waste water treatment plant debate.

Here it is, near the end of a quote by economist John Loxley:

“They may say that CUPE has a hidden agenda, but the consulting firms are heavily involved in P3s and it’s a highly profitable business and one has to look for their interests. And the fact is, that it’s very difficult to get their reports so you can asses them objectively.”

I’m pretty sure we meant to write “assess”. So Chad wins $10 and a Typo Wiener T-shirt.

The name Novak is well known (and arguably feared) by anyone who follows Regina city politics — Chad was a mayoral candidate and lightning rod for controversy during last year’s municipal election. He didn’t win but since he says “vote for Chad in 2016!” I presume he’s planning to try again. In the meantime he rages against the establishment at council meetings, on Twitter (@Chad4Regina) and on his blog (

Chad told me he’d spend his $10 prize buying Tim Horton’s coffees for “deserving individuals in Downtown Regina.”


WE’RE WORKING OUR ASSESS OFF BUT WE STILL MAKE MISTAKES Spot a typo in this issue and e-mail the details to (write TYPO in the subject field). Please include the page it was on, and the article and sentence it was in. Typos include misspelled words (including names), garbled grammar and general gibberish. Factual errors don’t count but formatting mistakes do. To be eligible, typos must be in editorial content such as articles, listings, headlines and photo cutlines. Next deadline is Wednesday Sept. 11 at noon. The winner (who will be notified by e-mail) must be available to come to our office on the Scarth Street pedestrian mall on Friday The 13th to collect their prize and pose for a picture. Good luck!
