July 21, 2016 cover by Darrol Hofmeister

Comic Murray Geister by Dakota McFadzean

News An Act Updated Who wants to read about FOI legislation? Yeah? Let’s do this! | by Gregory Beatty

Politics The Brad Wall Era How the sunshine premier changed Saskatchewan politics | by John F. Conway

World Erdogan Wins Turkey’s failed coup: goodbye democracy, hello to the sultan | by Gwynne Dyer

Science Matters A Lot Of Dam Trouble Hydro’s future is highly volatile in our ever-warming world | by David Suzuki

Pints Easy Drinking Issues Stouts? IPAs? Pale and brown ales? Your style is now in session | by Jason Foster

Cover Here Be Monsters Pokémon Go doesn’t make you walk into traffic. Stupidity does | by McDuck

Film Rebel With A Comb Whit Stillman dresses up a Jane Austen novella | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film This Way Out Gerwig gets Gen-Y right in a flawed-but-fun rom-com | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film Lies For Miles A review of Miles Ahead | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film Queef Power Ghostbusters smashes glass ceilings with small puffs of wind | by Megan Seling

Film Hnetflix by Shane Hnetka

Queen City Confidential You’re A Terrible Golf Coach by Anonymous