Presented by Regina Summer Stage, this musical comedy is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Princess and the Pea about a woman who passes a sensitivity test set by a prince’s mother to prove her nobility and gets to marry the prince.

The musical debuted off-Broadway in 1959, and when it moved to Broadway later that year Carol Burnett played the role of Princess Winnifred who seeks to win the love of Prince Dauntless the Drab. As you can likely guess, the musical (with music by Mary Rodgers, lyrics by Marshal Barer and book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller and Barer) takes some liberties with Andersen’s tale to spice up the comedy, and over the decades it’s proven to be a popular musical with audiences.

The Regina Summer Stage version of Once Upon A Mattress goes at the Performing Arts Centre July 16-18 at 7:30 p.m., with a 2 p.m. matinee on July 19. Tickets are Adults $30, Students and Children $27, and more information can be obtained from the RSS website.