I was seated for most of last night’s main stage shows at the 2012 Regina Folk Festival. (The one exception being Shad, the artist among the bunch least likely to play to a seated audience.) I was surrounded by a lot of pleasant people. The fellow behind me, who I heard at one point saying that hip-hop arrived “30 years too late” for him, even offered me some kettle corn. I didn’t take any, but if I had felt like some kettle corn, I certainly would’ve trusted him enough to accept some.

The people beside me also seemed like decent sorts, though this picture might explain why. They could’ve been on their way to a wine blackout. If you can’t make the image out, that’s a Contigo container with “WINE” written on it. For some reason, I want to call this rolling Jim Cuddy style; if I describe someone who’s a Jim Cuddy fan and who comes to his show with a Contigo full of chardonnay, it’s such a perfect image with nothing out of place.