We ended off the latest episode of the Ultrasonic Alarm Call, Terror For Blood Town, with a montage of interviews recorded at the city’s Ideas Fair on October 25.

Well, here’s one I didn’t include. It’s with John Hopkins, CEO of the Regina Chamber of Commerce.

At the risk of damaging my leftie bona fides, I found myself nodding along to a lot of what he had to say. He talked about the need for affordable housing, a comprehensive infrastructure strategy and a vital cultural scene — all stuff I’m in total agreement with.

(Of course, he also makes mention of the “importance of transportation infrastructure which includes [public] transit.” I shudder to think what else it includes. I suspect he’d be savvy enough not to suggest more parking around me.)

Hopkins of Chamber of Commerce at Ideas Fair by Paul Dechene

I left the interview out, by the way, because I mention in it that I’m talking to John Hopkins but didn’t mention who he was there to represent so it probably wouldn’t have made any sense sitting out of context like that in the middle of an audio montage.

The other interviews are also worth listening to, by the way. And you can hear them all (six in total) at about the 3/4 mark of lucky Episode 13 of Ultrasonic Alarm Call, which is jam packed full of other awesome stuff. So you should listen to the whole thing. By clicking here. And don’t forget to check out our archive of past episodes.