1.) Massive layoffs at FNUniv, which we might have to go back to calling FNUC after this. Rosie’s at the press conference and will provide a fuller blog update later as well as a story in the next issue (out next Thursday). I have been informed that Randy Lundy was one of the faculty laid off, and if you’re laying off your most charismatic, publicly visible young academic I’m going to say you have a crisis. Great. CBC radio will have extensive coverage at noon, apparently.

2.) Ironically while that was happening in Regina’s south end, the downtown was celebrating the formal announcement of the massive new office tower Dechene’s been reporting on this week. Premier Brad Wall, Harvard CEO Paul Hill and Mosaic president and CEO Jim Prokopanko were among the dignitaries celebrating the Saskaboom’s latest, shiniest phallic symbol. I’ll have a slightly more detailed post on that in half an hour or so.

For those interested in harsh symbolism, it’s shit for Indians and corporate triumph for the Saskatchewan’s business sector.

I’m not saying that one is coming at the expense of the other at all. I’m saying it’s just like old times.